Rethinking business in a collectively conscious and responsive society

The Centre for Business and Society (CBS) is a platform that brings efforts and conversations at the intersection of business and society onto a wider stage of influence. It is a medium for all, to form a network that works towards research communications, policy discussions, debates, student engagement and edutainment events to engender a positive impact on society.


Change Starts With Inspiration

CBS’ blueprint draws largely from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Ethics, collective awareness and social responsibility are the underlying themes for all the centre’s activities. The centre’s thematic areas include cross-cutting themes of education, gender, sustainability, diversity, inclusiveness, health, governance, public policy, micro/social entrepreneurship and capacity building and equal access for all.


Quick Facts

  • 77%
    Students and graduates are recognized nationally while 23% abroad
  • 4000
    Individuals Trained
  • 4,000
    Middle and Senior Managers Trained
  • 4
    International Conferences
  • 300
    Case Studies and Policy Briefs
  • 50+
    Seminars and Talks
  • 50+
    Student Engagement Activities
  • 6+
    Student Competitions
  • 10+
    Edutainment Events


Happening Now

  • Roundtable Session on the Digital Enablement of Microentrepreneurs in Pakistan

    As a part of its RASTA grant, CBS organised a Roundtable Session to discuss the digital enablement of microentrepreneurs, on July 12, 2024 

  • Summer Immersion Internship Programme, 2024

    CBS in partnership with Kaarvan Crafts Foundation launched their flagship #BridgingTheGap Summer Immersion Internship, in June 2024

Research and Publications

Faculty Research
Student Research
Centre Publications



Inspiring Change

CBS projects foster knowledge exchange between a diverse set of audience to collaborate and work towards a collective goal of rethinking the role of businesses for sustainable societies.

Latest Projects

Masterclass Training Programme

CBS in partnership with PUAN organised a Masterclass on Proposal Writing, Project Management, and M & E, in June 2024

Highlights at a Glance

#BridgingTheGap Volume IV: Building Digital Literacy and Mental Resilience. A Workshop for Female Microentrepreneurs

CBS organised the fourth volume of its flagship programme #BridgingTheGap, in partnership with Kaarvan Crafts Foundation, on May 19-20, 2024

CBS Ambassadors for Change Programme 2024

CBS successfully concluded the fifth cycle of its flagship "Ambassadors for Change Programme" which was held from Jan - April 2024

tcf 2024
Winner of the RASTA grant

In March 2024, CBS won a grant by PIDE (Pakistan Institute of Development Economics) titled “RASTA”

MoU signing between CBS & Kaarvan Crafts Foundation

In March 2024, CBS and Kaarvan Crafts Foundation entered into an MoU to renew their longstanding partnership

MoU signing
Usama Bin Qasim

I believe in the philosophy in giving back to the society. It is a smart way of reshaping and reorganizing ourselves in the area of knowledge. We learn interesting facts about life patterns when we start giving what we have. That is my core purpose of joining the CBS Ambassadors for Change…

Bin Qasim
Researcher. Department of Electrical Engineering, SBASSE
TCF Alumni 2019-2020

I took Urdu and Math classes from this programme. We had both male and female teachers, all of them taught us extremely well.  They treated us very well and always answered all our queries. LUMS taught me in many different ways however the most important was my confidence level that I previously…

TCF Alumni, CBS Ambassadors Programme 2019 - 2020


Inspiring Voices Series
Inspiring Voices Series
Inspiring Voices Series

Our Partners

  • CF
  • CI
  • CIDI
  • OKD
  • SS
  • US
  • WWF
