Additional information:
The note demonstrates that social media applications are used minimally to supplement communications for tracking leads for jobs, employee-training or to search for clients. Conventional forms of communication, such as face-to-face or via emails and telephone calls, continue to be the preferred method for connecting with vendors, suppliers and subcontractors.
Short Summary:
This note attempts to evaluate the use of social media by firms in the construction industry. As opposed to popular view, the use is not limited to marketing and advertisement but extends to engagement with suppliers, customers, employees and to showcase relationships with other firms in the industry. The note demonstrates that social media applications are used minimally to supplement communications for tracking leads for jobs, employee-training or to search for clients. Conventional forms of communication, such as face-to-face or via emails and telephone calls, continue to be the preferred method for connecting with vendors, suppliers and subcontractors. However, the trends show an increase in the use of social media applications in non-conventional ways by the construction industry.