Masterclass on Proposal Writing, Project Management, and Monitoring and Evaluation

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Supported by the U.S. Mission to Pakistan in partnership with Pakistan-U.S. Alumni Network, and Centre for Business and Society-LUMS launch Masterclass on Proposal Writing, Project Management, and Monitoring and Evaluation
Lahore: June 24, 2024 

Five-day Masterclass on “Proposal Writing, Project Management, and Monitoring and Evaluation” organised by Centre for Business and Society-LUMS with the support of U.S. Mission in Pakistan in partnership with Pakistan-U.S. Alumni Network (PUAN) spanned across June 24 till June 28, 2024, at the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). 

Proposal writing, project management and monitoring and evaluation, are not just run of the mill themes, but are key tools in any management domain, the knowledge and skill set of which sets the individual and teams apart and provides them a cutting-edge in today’s highly competitive world.”, said Dr. Fazal Jawad Seyyed, Dean of Suleman Dawood School of Business at LUMS. 

The masterclass, attended by 45-50 PUAN Alumni from across Pakistan, belonging to both the public and private sector and hailing from various domains i.e. civil society organisations, academia and government departments, made for a diverse audience of participants. All participants, equally eager to strengthen their knowledge, proficiency and skills came with a unified objective of learning practices that are trail-blazing in today’s management landscape. 

The masterclass programme is built on a holistic framework of theoretical and practical modules that include globally acknowledged case studies, simulations, interactive group activities and presentations. The dynamic nature of the programme has been developed keeping in mind long-term sustainable impact through compelling proposal writing skills, propelling the success rate of projects, effective monitoring of KPIs of the projects and to prompt analytical and logical reasoning and thinking. To add an extra layer of state-of-the-art learning, an expert session on Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been included as a part of the programme, to equip the participants with cutthroat knowledge of AI and its rapidly increasing importance and usage across various fields to maximize effectual output. 

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