CBS Ambassadors for Change Programme 2024


The fifth cycle of CBS’ flagship “Ambassadors for Change Programme” was launched in January 2024 under CBS’ long-standing commitment to making equitable educational opportunities accessible for the community at large. Held annually in partnership with The Citizens Foundation, and the cycle titled “Educate. Enlighten. Empower,” was a three-month long programme which spanned across January – April 2024.  

The cycle featured 70+ TCF Alumni as the beneficiaries of the programme which includes a holistic framework of English and Mathematics classes to enhance university-level test-taking abilities, as well as the development of key soft skills such as presentation skills, critical thinking and problem solving. Owing to the reciprocal learning framework of the programme, CBS onboards student volunteers from across the LUMS student community, in the roles of Volunteer Teachers and Volunteer Coordinators. Twenty-two students were selected from across the five schools as volunteers for the 5th cycle

The 14-week long educational intervention included English and Mathematics classes on the weekends as well as various activities for the development of IQ and EQ levels, and workshops curated with LUMS Consultancy Group for inculcation of key soft skills among the beneficiaries. 

The programme follows a thorough impact assessment structure which includes pre and post-test to gauge the improvement levels among the TCF Alumni and a feedback assessment at the conclusion of the cycle to evaluate the effectiveness of various components of the programme. 

To celebrate the spirit of Eid and the conclusion of a successful programme, CBS prepared goodie bags for the TCF alumni and souvenir bags for the LUMS student volunteers. 

Orientation Ceremony, 2024

CBS organised an Orientation Ceremony on January 14, 2024 to launch the fifth cycle of its flagship programme "Ambassadors for Change Programme". 

The orientation ceremony is multifold, as it features the LUMS student volunteers and the TCF alumni who will be participating in the programme. This ceremony included 100 TCF alumni as the audience and 24 student volunteers selected for this cycle. 

The event began with opening remarks from Dr. Misbah (Faculty Director, CBS) who welcomed the audience and shed important light on the reciprocal learning framework of the programme. This was followed by pre--assessments of Mathematics and English, that are conducted to assess the aptitude of the TCF alumni. Simultaneously, a training session for the student volunteers is conducted by the TCF team, to orient them with the programme curriculum. 

LCG workshop series
Workshop Series by LUMS Consultancy Group (LCG)

In February 2024, CBS collaborated with LUMS Consultancy Group for a two-part workshop series, as a part of the 5th cycle of “Ambassadors for Change Programme. 

CBS has a long-standing partnership with LUMS Consultancy Group, under which the Social Impact Project department of the society, develops and delivers workshops on soft skills such as problem solving, presentation skills and critical thinking. The beneficiaries of these workshops are the alumni of The Citizens Foundation, who are a part of the three-month long programme as students. 

The multifaceted workshop series includes presentations on key concepts, real life examples, interactive activities and group presentations. 

This collaborative effort comes under CBS’ mission of developing holistic educational programmes that cover a variety of academic and soft skills knowledge.